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圖一 智慧型手錶與汽車連結
圖一 智慧型手錶與汽車連結


BMW與首度發表的Apple Watch跨界合作,成為汽車產業的焦點


在引頸期盼3月9日Apple Watch問世的同時,各大汽車品牌正汲汲營營地尋找與科技巨頭共同合作的機會,聯結車主的汽車與手錶。

根據Bloomberg指出,在這場競賽中,BMW佔有了領先的優勢,他們的高階管理人已經花了數個禮拜的時間,和Apple的幹部們在加州Cupertino總部裡進行初步Apple Watch功能的嘗試。BMW已經採用了Apple Watch的app,讓車主能透過Apple Watch追蹤電動車的電量。Apple的執行長Tim Cook近日提到,Apple Watch會在未來取代汽車鑰匙;然而,現代汽車在這方面已經贏在起跑點上。

本周在巴塞隆納舉行的MWC世界行動通訊大會上,現代汽車展示了與Android Wear合作的成果,最新版本的app「Blue Link」,這項更新讓現代汽車的車主輕拍手腕就能解鎖。

根據CNET,在日內瓦車展上,Volkswagen提出了一台插電式混合電動概念車Sport Coupé GTE,可連結智慧手錶或智慧手環,來評估駕駛人的情緒,運用這些資訊,能夠幫助駕駛在疲憊躁怒的狀態下,更冷靜地規畫出導航行車路線。

不僅僅汽車製造商關注Apple Watch的消息,其他產業的品牌如Facebook、Pinterest、Starwood Hotels & Resort及United Airlines也在這幾個禮拜調整他們與Apple Watch相關的應用程式。Apple公司也協助他們了解Apple Watch的功能與限制,舉例來說,因為受到手錶電池電量的限制,應用程式的設計必須設定在10秒以內的能夠執行完成的範圍。



Anxiously awaiting Monday's Apple Watch reveal, automotive brands are seeking partnership deals with the tech giant to enable car owners to share mobility back and forth between watches and car consoles.

BMW has an early inside track. The automaker’s execs have spent weeks at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino, California—part of an elite cadre of brands getting behind the velvet rope early to kick the tires (so to speak) on Apple Watch's features, according to Bloomberg.

The automaker has been taking its Apple Watch app for a spin, which lets users track their electric cars' battery-charging status via the Apple Watch.

Apple CEO Tim Cook recently said that Apple Watch will someday replace car keys.

Hyundai, however, has beaten Apple out of that starting gate.

At Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this week, the Korean carmaker demonstrated an updated version of its Blue Link app with Android Wear support.

The update will let Hyundai owners unlock their vehicles with a tap on the wrist, as long as said wrist is wearing an Android-powered smartwatch or with a voice command.

At the Geneva Motor Show this week, Volkswagen demonstrated a plug-in hybrid Sport Coupé GTE concept car designed to pair with a smartwatch or fitness band to "assess the driver's mood," according to CNET.

"Using that information, it could plan navigation routes more soothing for an already frazzled driver, for one example."

Not only automakers are excited about Apple Watch, of course. Brands across other industries—such as Facebook, Pinterest, Starwood Hotels & Resorts and United Airlines—have been busyfine-tuning their Apple Watch apps in recent weeks.

Apple has been working with companies to educate them about the Apple Watch’s capabilities and limitations. For example, with the watch’s limited battery power many apps must be designed to run for less than 10 seconds at a time.

We can expect to hear more about Apple and Google watch-related apps as smartwatches come onto the market. And many of these advances surely will be tied into both tech giants' efforts to muscle into the auto industry, potentially with their own cars.

Apple is said to be focusing on an electric car, while Google's efforts have been directed toward a self-driving vehicle. They both add up to the same thing: an auto industry that will never be the same.



Posted by Dale Buss on March 6, 2015 04:40 PM


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